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Falcon Security Services: Protecting Your Airline and Passengers

Falcon Security Services is committed to providing your airline with the highest quality security services. We understand that the safety of your staff and passengers is your top priority, and we are here to help you protect them.

Our team of experienced and qualified security professionals provides a wide range of services, including:

  • Boarding services: We screen passengers and their belongings before they board your aircraft. This helps to identify and prevent any potential threats.
  • Ramp security: We patrol your airport ramps and secure your aircraft from unauthorized access.
  • Aircraft security: We provide security for your aircraft while they are on the ground.
  • Catering security: We secure your catering facilities and ensure that all food and beverages are served safely.
  • Cargo escort services: We escort cargo shipments through the airport and ensure that they are loaded and unloaded safely.
  • Searches: We conduct searches of passengers, their belongings, and cargo shipments as needed.
  • Aircraft access control: We control access to your aircraft and ensure that only authorized personnel are allowed on board.
  • Inspection of exterior areas: We inspect the exterior of your airport facilities to identify any potential security risks.
  • Securing of pre-boarding aircraft: We secure your aircraft before passengers begin boarding.
  • Security of cargo warehouse: We secure your cargo warehouse and ensure that all cargo is stored safely.
  • Breach response: We have a comprehensive breach response plan in place to deal with any security incidents that may occur.
  • Document verification: We verify the identity of all passengers and staff.
  • Passenger screening: We screen passengers for weapons and other dangerous items.

We also have a strict no-tolerance policy for our security staff members to use their cell phones while on duty, unless it is for personal emergency purposes or coordinating with your team. This ensures that our security staff is always focused on their job and the safety of your staff and passengers.

Contact us today to learn more about our security services and to schedule a free consultation.


  • Category:
  • Client: All airports
  • Services: Security, Services.
  • Duration: 24/7
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Falcon Airport Services